E-commerce can sometimes be a scary place, but at DrAlexRinehart.com, you can place your order with confidence!

We're proud to now offer shipping protection against lost, stolen, and damaged packages

Your shipments are now protected from loss, damage, and theft.

Expected shipping times apply based on date of shipment - not necessarily the date of order. Weekends, weather, and USPS holidays can still affect delivery time of your order. You can review delivery times here. 

Claims must be submitted:

  • Damaged: Within 15 days of when the package was marked delivered
  • Lost: Within 30 days from the last tracking update
  • Stolen: Within 15 days of when the package was marked delivered

To prevent fraud from frequent claims, spurious claims, or orders that involve large purchases, we reserve the right to require pictures and/or a police report to fully replace or refund your claim. Unfortunately, fraudulent claims are on the rise given the COVID-19 environment. Rest assured, we are in the the business of protecting your shipment and want to keep you satisfied.

Product availability (backorder, out-of-stock, etc.) can change from the time of your initial purchase and may affect our ability to replace shipments. Refunds can still be administered in these rare instances.

****Delivery insurance expires 30 days from ship date for US orders and 45 days from ship date for International orders.

Claims must be submitted:

  • Damaged: Within 15 days of when the package was marked delivered
  • Lost: Within 30 days from the last tracking update
  • Stolen: Within 15 days of when the package was marked delivered

If you choose to dispute a charge with your bank as opposed to filing a claim with the insurance we provided, it puts the full claim decision in the hands of the bank and your insurance, our ability to help with a solution, and other policies are negated.

Turnaround on the bank's decisions can take up to 75 days - running past our normal deadlines. Respectively, it is best to work within our existing policies.

The denial of a claim or the requirement of further information is not a personal decision but necessary to protect from fraudulent requests in the context of financial unrest due to the pandemic.

While you may be upset in the circumstance that a package was not delivered when you hoped, we hope that having paid for insurance on your behalf shows that while things happen outside of our control, we have your best interests in mind. Most of the time, packages are still delivered, just later than the USPS originally intended.

****Orders placed on 3rd party portals (AZNutrition.Metagenics.com, Fullscript, Microbiome Patient Direct, Amrita Nutrition, etc) are not covered by our policy and delivery issues are subject to the 3rd party's policies.

Many retailers do not offer insurance protection, or make you pay to opt-in to services that still may deny your claim. There are circumstances where we cannot approve a claim of lost, stolen, or damaged. Reacting to a product is also not a means of immediate return as we do not have a practitioner-patient relationship with store clients.

Please treat our staff with respect as these circumstances generally are the fault of a USPS person, weather, holiday, or other situation that's out of our direct control. We offer policies that meet or exceed competitors to provide you trust in e-commerce.

In addition to insurance protection, you're also protected by our Satisfaction Policy.

With Auto-Ship, you can save on your order, and it will minimize the chances of running out of product and needing it in a jam! With auto-ship, your orders are also given preference if we ever run low on inventory or run into a manufacturer backorder. While it may not be available for some products, consider setting up an autoship for your next order!

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